A used Country Coach RV and two used RVers WHICH WAY DID THEY GO

Monday, January 18, 2010

West to Quartzite

Leaving early this year put us in the middle of some unseasonal arctic fronts. Record low temperatures in central Texas to New Mexico has the furnace on all day. In Goliad,Tx, in the 20s every night, and highs around 50 has us looking for warmer days weather. Still going west to southern Arizona, especially with south Florida cooler than here.

On Saturday we say goodbye to Don and Jill, go north to San Antonio and pick up I-10. We'll look forward to meeting them later in the spring when they come west. Trying to drive away from the cold we average two hundred and fifty miles a day for the next four days. That's allot for us poking along at 55-60 mph. Linda and I take turns driving till we're ready for a break, then change places.

The road is great, yes I'm talking about I-10. Very little traffic, in general smooth highway with little construction. The cold, cloudy days turn to clearer skies and warmer temperatures. Stops in Fort Stockton, 26 degrees, El Paso 33, and we cross a continental divide near Lordsburg, New Mexico with a high of 59.

The landscape has changed dramatically. West Texas hill country gave way to high desert scrub trees and thin soil. Prickly Pear Cactus and Yucca plants with five foot bloom spikes decorate the New Mexico/Arizona roadways. As we continue west foothills and low mountain ranges appear on the horizon. Tuesday we pull into Tucson, Az, it's 71 degrees! We meet with Jerry Dettmann and his wife Jeri at their home and will leave after a few days rest, for Quatzite with them.

Jerry and Jeri live out of town at the edge of Tucson Mountain Park. This exclusive development is set among Saguaro cactus and Palo Verde trees (Arizona state tree). A vacant lot next to their house provides an ideal place to stay the next four days. The natural landscape in the mountains in beautiful. Southwest architecture, custom homes, and a professional developer have created a neighborhood without power lines, telephone poles or other unsightly infra-structure. This also supports Kitt Peak Observatory about an hour away. The normal glow of the community is kept to a minimum without streetlights. In the evening we hear coyotes in the hills and the stars are glorious. In the morning, the view of the mountains with coffee is great. The temperature in the 40s at night, warming to the low 70s in the day.

Friday evening we are welcomed to a neighborhood gathering of the Tucson Hellions, hosted by Patty and Sam. A diverse group of professional retiree's, artist's, desert rats and rock hounds. Linda is treated to homemade Margaritas (several).....and a great time was had by all. Sunday was time to leave for Quartzite, Arizona a crossroads community near southern California. Most of the year only three to four thousand people live there. But, in January over a hundred thousand RVs rendezvous. An annual RV, rock, gem, and craft show, that goes on for days. We follow Jerry and Jeri from Tucson to Quartzite where we'll meet some of their friends from California.
Goodbye for now....Skip and Linda

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